Monday, September 12

Weekend Re-Cap...

This weekend turned out to be a lot of much needed fun with some of the greatest people in the world!

 My friend Samantha and I took a little journey down to my old stomping grounds (Stillwater) to visit our friend Dustin. In typical Meagh and Sam fashion, we stopped for coffee beverages on the way out of town...

A Caramel Macchiato and A Pumpkin Spice Latte. Perfect roadtrip companions. :)

We got to Stillwater and I realized how much I miss being there. It's such a great place to be. Perhaps I'll be back there someday. Anyway...I got to give Dustin his apartment warming gift and I think he liked them (He didn't say otherwise). They were a very practical set of glasses that you could write your name on with basically...kind of awesome, right?

This one says "D-Mo". There were also ones labeled "Giggle-snort", "Dustinov", and "Dustin".

We did a few of the Stillwater musts...Hideaway Pizza and the Stonewall...then we watched Hocus Pocus! I. LOVE. THAT. MOVIE....and it made me excited that Halloween is next month!!!

Moving on...I am a genius. Why, you ask? Well, because I registered to do the Out of the Darkness walk for the AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) on Saturday morning. It was a great cause, and I'm so happy that I was able to do it, but was early. We had to leave Stillwater at 6:15 AM...AM!! But after some McDonald's coffee beverages (Starbucks in Stillwater wasn't even open yet!) we were good to go. We arrived at the walk site right on time....

Where was the walk, you might ask?!?  It was at my favorite place!

"I love him. I miss him. He still talks to me"

It was a really great walk and a great way to remember and honor the people that have been lost to suicide. The little boy in the picture made me want to cry...his shirt was so sweet. I'm glad I got to support this cause.

 Look at the animals! I don't think i've ever been to the zoo that early. It was really fun. All the animals were active because it was about time for them to eat. AND I finally got to see the elephants! I'm not sure why I love the zoo so much, but it really is one of my favorite places on earth.

Once the AFSP walk was over, it was time for some last minutes errands in preparation for my AMAZING friend Elisabeth's birthday festivities! Somewhere along the way I cam across this really random assortment of figurines...they were animals made out of fruits and veggies. A flamingo made of watermelon, A skunk made of a red onion, A squirrel made of a Peanut...and....

A walrus made out of grapes!?!  Who thinks of this stuff??

Finally it was festivities time! I absolutely love celebrating the births of my friends and Elisabeth is one of the greatest people I know. She has such a sweetness about her and I am truely honored that I get to call her my friend!!

We ate at Bourbon Street and had less than stellar service from some dude who called himeself "Buddy Holly" (no, seriously...he did). We had a good group of people, if I do say so myself...
That elevator shot is one of my favorites of the weekend. Julie was there too! And I decided to wear Kenny's hipster glasses.

I rounded out the weekend by going to a movie with my best friend in the world, Wesley! He's also pretty amazing and I'm glad I have him in my life. Sadly, I don't have a picture of our movie adventure to i'll just leave you with this one, which leaves me not wanting to touch anything....ever.

So, it was a wonderful weekend! I hope everyone else had a good one too!! Until next time...


Thursday, September 8


That was a really long break. My appologies to the three of you that read this blog. I'll try not to let it happen again.

I have some bad news. Remember that whole "30 Day Shred" Challenge business? Well....I fell off the wagon, indefinitely. In all honesty, I got a little bored with it. Plus, it wasn't helping (at all) in my weight loss was actually causing me to gain a little. I know it was muscle because for the week that I didn't do it at all, I lost somewhere around 6 lbs. So, I'm going to try to do it a few times a week instead of every day. I mean, it really does wonders for toning.  No one said that I'd complete all of my challenges, right? Right. seems to have taken life. Seems a bit strange to say, but I feel like life has gotten kind of intense over the past month. Not all bad, but definitely not all good. Here's a rundown of current/upcoming events:

I work at a University, so it's kind of exciting when school starts back. Campus is pretty dead in the summer--with the exception of a few summer class students--so it's nice when everyone comes back and the campus is buzzing again. But along with the students comes more work for me! Contracts, and chapels, and's busy. I still love my job and I'm SO blessed to work with such great people!

I've felt a little like death for like a month now. It comes and goes, but I haven't felt 100% in a while. I'm hoping its just the weather--which has been BEAUTIFUL this week, FYI--but we'll see. I'm not going to let it get me down, even though all I want to do is sleep. :)

I just want to sleep always! Until last night, I haven't slept an entire night in about 3 weeks. Last night was great though. I slept like a rock (however rocks sleep). AND I took a fabulous nap yesterday as well. I think sleep will be returning to me soon!

I've been remembering my dreams a lot more recently. I'm not sure if they're real dreams though, or simply 'almost-asleep' thoughts. Either way, they've been relatively good dreams. And some of them have had really cool 70's-esque lighting...weird, right?

Had a little girl's night outing with a few lovely ladies (one who was visiting from Houston--Shout out to "Mir") which was a blast...even though we ended up at a shady karaoke bar.  Some random dude told me (had a friend tell me) he thought I was pretty...yay? haha.
I've reconnected with some old friends. :) Facebook is a magical thing. :)
A great friend from high school/college had a labor day cookout (complete with smoked meats and such) and I got to see TONS of people I haven't seen in a while. It was really fun and much needed!

Plugged in my phone a few weeks ago to update my software....and well, it decided to purge EVERYTHING. Pictures...gone. Messages...gone. Contacts...gone. Apps...gone. Everything...gone. I cried for about 20 minutes, then realized that I was being silly. It's just a phone. I'm not dead. It'll be okay. I'm slowly rebuilding my phone life. Little by little.

My Cousin is in town for a few weeks (she has one week left here). Then she's off to Marine boot camnp! I'm so proud of her! I think she'll do great.
My dad's pending nuptuals....
I've seen my nephew a lot recently....He has to be the quirkiest kid in the world. I love him to pieces!! AND I'm ready for another niece or nephew...Here's lookin' at you, bro!

My dear friend Elisabeth's birthday is this weekend (expect a special (heavy photo) blog post about that. I'm not sure what I'd do without her; she's amazing! I'm excited to celebrate her...youth!
It's September, which means that October comes next, which means that HALLOWEEN IS SOON!!!! It's my favorite holiday and I'm SO excited! Also, I will be doing some sort of Music challenge starting in October. I know I originally had a Couch-5k routine planned, but I might push that to the spring. We'll see how it goes....

Well, that's about it. Nothing too major happening, but I think some good things are on the horizon. I'm ready for cooler weather and cardigans! and boots! and scarves! I have a feeling we're going to have a few more weeks of warm weather though before I get to enjoy fall...but I will celebrate when it finally arrives! Until next time...
