Friday, July 29

A Future of Challenge...

Hello All!

I've been absent from the blog world for a little while, but I decided today was as good a day as any to find something to write about...

I have decided that I really enjoyed having a challenge in my life. (a fun challenge, not a tough life challenge) That being said, I think i'm going to try to do a challenge every month (at least until december). I already have them planned out...sort of. It's going to be exciting!

August is going to be a tough one, but I figure it never hurts to start out with something that won't be easy...I mean, country music WASN'T easy and that turned out pretty great!  During the month of August (1-30th) I am going to do Jillian Michael's '30 Day Shred'. I'm hoping it kicks my butt, in a good way! It seems like the perfect time to start a more intense workout routine. I've been jogging/walking/biking pretty much everyday for about a month now, and I seem kind of stuck in an almost boring routine. This should be just the boost I need! Plus, it will help tremendously (I hope) with the "weigh down" we started at work a few weeks ago (I'm 7 lbs down so far!).

Not all of my future challenges will be exercise challenges. I have decided to alternate them between music and workout and whatever else comes to mind...and if anyone has any ideas on other challenges that could be fun...Let me know! I'm always open to suggestions.

Here is a tentative schedule of challenges:
August--30 Day Shred
September-- Four, week-long music challenges [Four bands/artists I don't love. One week each.]
October/November--Couch to 5k

I could probably do another challenge during October and November, but I'm not sure what I want to do. Maybe learn a new skill or something? Ideas are welcome! Until next time...


Thursday, July 21

It Is Finished...

It's all over! I celebrated with some Jason Mraz this morning [thanks Pandora].

Generally speaking, a month is a long time. But limiting yourself on something (especially something like music) for a month makes it seem SO MUCH LONGER. When I started this challenge, I wasn't even sure if I would be able to stick with it. I mean, it took me completely out of my musical comfort zone. I found that the more people poked fun at the fact that I (of all people) was listening to country music, the easier it became. Maybe it was a challenge within a challenge; to prove to the non-believers that I could do it! Whatever it was, I DID IT!

I will be honest though...I'm glad it's over. It's not that I hated every moment of it, but I've never limited myself to one genre of music before so it was tough. I'm not even sure I could listen to any other genre for a month straight without getting bored with it.  That's why we have so many genres to choose from, right?
  • Miranda Lambert's voice takes a little getting used to, but once you're used to it, it's quite lovely. Also, her and Blake are the ‘Supreme Country Music Couple’ right now. For serious. Love them both.
  • I think I could like Taylor Swift if her lyrics were better and she could carry a tune.
  • I adore Lady Antebellum. ADORE.
  • It's okay to be just a little bit pitchy...right?
  • The delivery of country music is different than most other genres. The runs aren't as fluid [sometimes even choppy] and the phrasing is really unique. It's kind of cool. I hadn't noticed it before this challenge.
  • I still CANNOT STAND Jennifer Nettles voice. I tried. It’s awful. Sorry kids.
  • You can’t go wrong with a song featuring Jimmy Buffet. Truth. [Just ask Zac Brown Band]
  • I tend to enjoy the southern rock vibe more than the twangy, more traditional vibe.
  • Being pretty gets you further than actual talent in some cases, much like all other music genres.
  • There aren’t really a broad range of topics when it comes to content…Most country songs are about “real life” [real country life, that is]…Tractors, rain, women, parties, being a redneck, lost love, making mistakes, memories…etc. Most topics can be related to the everyday person’s life…which is cool.
  • Loretta Lynn wears fancy dresses and I like them.
  • I still twitch a little when I sing lyrics that are grammatically incorrect. It happens more than I’d like it to in country music.
  • Harmony. Harmony. Harmony. Harmony. Harmony! I love the harmonies that country music have to offer. They're availible in other genres, but it's different. In country music you can have a raspy male vocal combined with a soulful female vocal and it's heavenly! [This in itself is one of the reasons this whole challenge was worth it! I'm a sucker for amazing harmony!]
And...Last but not least.....
  • I may actually add a country station to the radio presets in my car! And I won’t be deleting my country Pandora stations. To me, this means my challenge was a success. I managed to incorporate (or will incorporate) a new genre into my daily musical life and i'm excited about it! I'm not sure I could go on a month-long country music binge again but...I know now that not all country music is created equal. It doesn't all make me want to shoot myself. It doesn't all make my ears bleed. It isn't all twang and cowboy boots...It really is quality music. I'm excited to have reached that verdict.
I have also compiled a list of songs that have made their way into my daily circulation of "songs that get stuck in my head"...Or just songs that I looked forward to hearing on the radio/Pandora. [I think I might have to make a Country Music Mix Tape/CD....I don't know who I am anymore!!]
  1. Miranda Lambert - A Heart Like Mine
  2. Zac Brown Band - Colder Weather
  3. Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood - Remind Me
  4. Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss
  5. The Band Perry - If I Die Young
  6. Blake Shelton - Honey Bee
  7. Little Big Town - Boondocks
  8. Rodney Atkins - Backroad
  9. Eli Young Band - Crazy Girl
  10. Eric Church—Homeboy
  11. Sara Evans—A Little Bit Stronger
  12. Jason Aldean feat. Kelly Clarkson - Don't You Wanna Stay (Harmony!!!)
  13. Justin Moore - If Heaven Weren't So Far Away (this song is precious!)
  14. Chris Young - Tomorrow
  15. Jason Aldean - Dirt Road Athem
  16. Taylor Swift—Mean

Now, before you get all uppity about the fact that there is a Taylor Swift song on my list, I should explain. In general terms, I don’t like her music. It’s too “little girl princess-pop-country” for my liking. And her voice isn’t the best. BUT, her songs are catchy and I do appreciate the fact that she can make fun of herself and not really care what others say about it. I think the song “Mean” is a perfect example of this because she’s pretty much giving ‘the bird’ to the people who think she can’t sing (I accept that bird, Taylor).

All in all this was a really fun challenge…a really fun, CHALLENGING, challenge. I look forward to whatever my next challenge may be…musical or otherwise. If anyone has any questions about this challenge [or anything else, I guess] feel free to leave it in the comments. I hope you [all 4 of you] enjoyed reading all about it. Stay tuned for more challenge fun! I’m thinking of taking on my next challenge in September [it’ll give me time to dive back into the full spectrum of musical genres]. Until then…


Tuesday, July 19

Something Else...Old But Still Relevant...

Photo: Unrelated, but kind of cool.

Here's something else I wrote a very long time ago...It's still who I am though. :)


 I used to be so insightful, huh? Brand new post in a few days...about none other than the completion of my Country Music Challenge, and perhaps a few other tidbits....Stay tuned.

I'd like to be the type of person that someone writes a song about.  Not one of those songs that portrays a problem or a struggle, but a song that inspires.  A song about that one person who makes you want to be a better person.  A song about a person you can't imagine living without.  I want to be that type of person.

I'd like to be the type of person that people look at and immediately know I'm not like everyone else.  I want to be seen as an individual and not another cookie-cutter image of what society's rules and guidelines say a person should be.  I want to be the uniqueness that people see when staring into an endless see of faces.  I want to be that type of person.

I'd like to be the type of person who is passionate about everything they do.  From the epic to the mundane.  No matter how difficult the task, I want to be the person with the mindset of success. I want to know that my passion won't be wasted because of a fear of failure.  I want to be that kind of person.

I'd like to be the type of person who doesn't let and an opportunity pass them by.  A person who is fearless when it comes to taking advantage of a situation that could result in personal growth.  A person who isn't afraid of growing into a newer, more well-rounded, version of themselves.  I want to be that kind of person.

I'd like to be the type of person who is approachable by anyone, in any situation.  The person that people aren't afraid to get advice from.  A person who is needed by at least one other person in this world.  A person whose opinion matters and is respected without question.  I want to be that kind of person.

I'd like to be the type of person who never gives up.  The person who doesn't quit just because the situation gets tough.  I want to be the person who stands strong in the middle of their hardships with the confidence that everything will work out.  I want to be that kind of person.

I'd like to be the type of person who is patient. Not only with their own life, but also with the lives of the people around them.  I want people to know that I'm not going to give up on them no matter how tough the situation gets.  A person who is calm in the middle of life's chaos.  I want to be that kind of person.

I'd like to be the type of person who is not only patient, but tolerant. A person who is aware of the difficulties in the lives of those around them.  A person who strives to make things better and not worse.  The person who has an unconditional love for anyone who is willing to accept it.  I want to be that type of person.

At this moment I know that the person I'd like to be is the same person that God has planned me to be.  I am the person who knows that I can't do this on my own.  The person who knows that God is the one who controls my future.  I am the person who doesn't have to worry about the person I'm not.  God will give me inspiration and the desire to be better.  God will make me unique.  God will give me passion for myself, the people I love, and the things that I do.  God will remove my doubt and fear and He'll give me strength and success.  He'll give me confidence, patience, and tolerance.

Though I'm far from this person I'd like to be, I'll never lose sight of the hope that God gave me and His promise that I'll become that person.  That's the person I am.

Tuesday, July 12

Mecca, Etsy love, and a Challenge Update...

I've been in an inspiration haze for the past week or so (hence the ancient previous post). However, the weekend did spark a little excitement in my life. I FINALLY picked up my Etsy purchases fromt he post office (I can't explain to you how excited I was to get this little gem. I'm wearing it today, and I'm in love...If i were a millionaire, I'm almost certain I'd have every cute piece of crafty jewlery goodness that Etsy has to offer. Check it out if you haven't already. Really...Go.

Now that the Etsy advertisement is over I shall move one...This weekend I also successfully escaped from the Oklahoma heat for a short while...and found myself in the Texas heat instead. Genius, I know. A friend and I made the journey down to Dallas to visit IKEA and our Mecca (Half Price Books). Our tour guide (the awesome Angela) took us to several cool little places. It was as if we shared a brain...A record store, a vintage/thrifty shop, frozen custard...seriously!?! Plus she has lots of fun movie memorabilia in her apartment. I felt quite at home. It was a much-needed trip....and our visit to Mecca inspired me to do a new music challenge series!...(with a much shorter time frame...a month is a LONG time)..I'll get into that on a later please keep reading!
Speaking of music challenges, It's time for an update! I can't believe i've been listening to country music basically non-stop for three weeks (well, three weeks as of tomorrow)! It honestly hasn't been as bad as I thought (and maybe even hoped) it would be. I say 'hoped' not because I wanted to do something that I thought would torture me, but because I don't really like to admit that i'm wrong, especially about music. I think I wanted the music to be terrible. Shame on me. This challenge has been a humbling experience for me and I feel I owe an apology to all country music fans that I have directed looks of disgust towards based solely on their musical taste. I am truly sorry. :)
I also realized that sometimes I don't like a song until I can sing along to it. It's hard to really enjoy a song that you don't know all of the words to (or maybe that's just me). I've found quite a few songs that I really love...there will be a list sometime next week when I wrap up this challenge! (several lists actually) In the meantime, here are a few things about country music that haven't changed for me (and I don't think they will in the next week):
  • I think I could like Taylor Swift if her lyrics were better and she could carry a tune. I just don't understand her popularity...(**sidenote** "Mean" just played on Pandora as I was typing that**end sidenote**)
  • I adore Lady Antebellum. ADORE. Just...sigh. So perfect.
  • I still CANNOT STAND Jennifer Nettles voice. I tried. It's awful. Sorry kids. AWFUL.
Well, that's what I have for today. I apologize if it bored you to tears. Fun things are to come though! Keep reading.


Thursday, July 7

Something Old...

I wrote this a while ago (2008) and stumbled across it today. It sort of spoke to me...which is cool. So, Enjoy.

Life rarely happens how you think it will.  But I’ve learned that it's not necessarily a bad thing.  It's still life and it's the only one you get.  You have to make the best of it or it's just a waste.

People aren't always who you think they are, but they also aren't always who other people say they are.  Find out for yourself who a person really is.  Don't assume the worst (or best) based on the comments of others.

No one has a life that is perfect.  A lot of people look happy and seem to have everything put together, but they don't.  Never hesitate to toss someone a smile, even if you think they have no need for one.  THEY DO.

Even horrible days have something good to offer.  A cool breeze.  Sunshine.  Not tripping in front a bunch of people.  Whatever it's something and sometimes you have to look for the good to make living through the bad day worth it.  Why wait for tomorrow when you can find good in today?

Sometimes the things you are afraid of are exactly what you need to experience.  New people. New relationships. New places. A new look.  Whatever it is, embrace it.  Don't fear it.  If it doesn't work out, at least you tried, right?

People change.  Don't fool yourself into believing that they aren't going to.  Also, don't expect things to always be the same between you and certain people.  Dynamics change often, BUT That doesn't have to be bad.  It's just different.  Maybe it'll be better.  Never let something like a friendship slip away just because it changes drastically.  It's not fair to either side, and it'll only leave you a little empty inside.


Tuesday, July 5

Some kind of clock is ticking...

No worries, folks. My baby clock is not the one being referenced here. It's some other kind of clock. This particular clock has me in a funk these days. Not a full on tsunami funk, but...more like a 'partly cloudy with a light breeze' funk, if you will. A funk nonetheless....I promise not to use the word "funk" anymore in this post...starting now.

I think I’m ready for the next part of my life. Perhaps I have been for a while. It just seems easier to tell people that I choose to be single at 25 than to have to explain exactly why I’m single...Like I have any idea!? I've never been the kind of girl who has worried about this particular thing, and it’s not as though I’m particularly worried about it now.  I've never had relationships on the top of my priorities list. I've never been "boy-crazed" nor have I ever been the object of anyone's affection (if I were standing in a group of my friends...I'm definitely not the one that catches the attention). I'm cool with all of that. In all honesty, I actually (usually) hate attention…(I say “usually” because I am a girl after all, and we all have our moments of attention-whoredom)…but typically, attention weirds me out. Example:

The other day, someone I know pretty well told me that my eyes were the "coolest shade of green" they had ever seen. A normal person would politely say "thanks" and leave it at that...but not me. Nope. I have to make it awkward and start analyzing. Stupid brain! I get all freaked out and start thinking to myself "why are they looking at my eyes"..."that's weird, right?"..."now everyone in the room wants to look at my eyes"..."why did they have to say something"'s so awkward. While I’m thinking all of this I’m trying to pretend (outwardly) that I'm totally chill. I'm such a social weirdo sometimes.  They were just making an observation and trying to be nice. My brain tries to ruin everything. I need to work on that, I guess.

Anyway...back to the being single at 25 thing. I really do think I'm ready to find my "the one" and start a new part of my life.  At the same time, there is still so much I'd like to do before I "settle" down (trust me though...I WILL NOT be settling). I want to start on my Master's and maybe do some traveling. Of course, I can those things while being in a relationship...easy-peasy.

The real predicament for me is this: where does one meet the kind of guy I'd like to be married to? I know what kind of guy I DON'T want to be married to...I can give you a detailed list if you'd like...but ideally, I'd meet my "the one" in at a bookstore and he'd chat me up about the Star Wars book I’m currently holding and ask me to join him for coffee or a movie (*gasp!* or maybe even both!!) but realistically, that's not how life works. I realize this...really, I do. All of these eligible bachelors must be hanging out somewhere, right? Here are some options and they're cons:

High School: Well, wouldn’t that be lovely. High school sweethearts fall in love and live happily every after. Yada yada yada. Those days are long gone for me (thank you, Lord!). Looking back, I’m okay with that…there were only a few boys that might have been worth having one of those “high school sweetheart” stories to tell my kids…And I’m pretty sure they’re happily married now. So yeah…not gonna happen.

Concert: Not really ideal due to the noise issue, but otherwise great considering you have at least one thing in common…a really great band. But…..I'm totally one of those people who hates it when people talk to me while I’m enjoying a song by a band I really love (even if its on the radio...drives me crazy!). So, if my "the one" were to start chatting during the show, I fear I'd immediately judge him based on his lack of consideration. Not really his fault, but still. Also, the venue itself is a factor. A lot of bands play in bars. I don't really want to meet my "the one" in a bar. Not that I have anything against people who frequent bars (I mean, in this scenario, I too am in a bar, right?)...I just don't know...I’ve known people who have met in bars and they are super happy couples…I’m just not sure it’s for me.

Church: I hate even adding this one to my list of options. It seems wrong. Not wrong in the sense that I don't want to meet my "the one" at church, but wrong in the sense that I don't want people to think that I'm only at a church looking for a husband.  That's shady business. Plus, I love my church. Sure, there are absolutely ZERO people of interest (in terms of dating) for me there, but I would feel terrible about going elsewhere just to meet seems selfish.

Work: This is just a terrible idea. You have to be around that person all the time. If you break up, it's awkward. It makes co-workers feel awkward. It's just not a great idea, although I'm sure you could find a legit reason to make an exception...maybe. But generally speaking...bad idea.

Mutual Friends: Here's a fun one. No offense to any one who is reading this, but mutual friends do not always make the best relationships. I mean, there is always a weird dynamic and once (if) you get over that there is still a little bit of loyalty awkwardness for someone. What if you break up? Who gets to keep the mutual friend? I'm not saying that this is always how it works out, but it's a very prevalent issue. I know tons of people who have met through mutual friends and it has worked out wonderfully...but there are still those that crash and burn and then they have to divvy up the “children” and someone always gets the raw deal….One person always sucks a life a little more than the other. It's ugly I tell you...ugly.

Don’t get me wrong, any of these places are perfectly fine for meeting your “the one”, but wouldn’t be nice if you knew exactly what kind of place you’d meet yours in? Then you could just hang out in those places all the time. I guess for now all I can do is be patient. I realize that this aspect of my life is out of my hands and is definitely not about my timing. The big man upstairs has someone picked out just for me (how cool is that!?) and I’m pretty excited to meet him one day. Until then…I wait…with that incessant ticking.


Friday, July 1

New Insights, Loretta Lynn, and a Cop-Out...

This first part is irrelevant to most of what follows...but humor me?

Being the word-nerd that I am, as I was typing "cop-out" up there in the title I thought to myself..."do I even know what that means?" So I decided to look it up. (see below if you'd like to know)
cop-out also cop·out (kpout)
n. Slang
1. A failure to fulfill a commitment or responsibility or to face a difficulty squarely.
2. A person who fails to fulfill a commitment or responsibility.
3. An excuse for inaction or evasion.

I'll get to the cop-out in a bit...promise.

This morning wasn't a great day for my challenge. I hated every song I heard on the radio while driving from my house to work. I can't really blame the music though...I get that way with any genre from time to time. But alas, per my instructions, I kept the radio on and audible. (I'm kind of proud of myself...though, I was tempted to keep it tuned into the station that had a commerical...only tempted.)

Mini-confession time: I'm actually starting to enjoy this challenge (depsite this morning's set back). It's fun to emerse yourself in something unfamiliar. We'll see if the fondness continues to grow...I truly hope it does. It's never a bad thing to expand your musical horizons...or at least to be willing to.

Findings: I have a few more country music findings to share...I know you're all so excited (all 2 of you).

  • Loretta Lynn wears fancy dresses and I like them. (more on her in a bit)

  • I still twitch a little when I sing lyrics that are gramatically incorrect. It happens more than I'd like it to in country music. I just can't stand the word "ain't"...even if it's used correctly.

  • Country songs tell a story. They're usually a little bit cheesy, but not always. I like it.

  • Also, I'm really into Miranda Lambert this week. She was a guest on The Voice (and sang with Dia Frampton) and I think she did a great job. Plus, she and Blake are possible the most adorable couple in all the land.


    I was thrilled that Javier Colon won The Voice. He was my favorite from day 1! His voice is like Butter!!! I was also thrilled that he only beat Dia by 2% of the vote. She also has a unique and amazing tone/voice.


    Now, it's Loretta Lynn time! Huzzah!  I decided to listen to only her music yesterday, as a sort of tribute to a true country music icon. I’ve always been intrigued by her, but never sat down and actually listened to her music. I started out with her newest album “Van Lear Rose” (produced by none other than Jack White—who I happen to think is kind of amazing) and followed that up with her older material. You can definitely hear his influence compared to Lynn’s older music (which has influenced other country Shania Twain and the Dixie Chicks). I probably listened to 'Van Lear Rose' 2 or 3 times's really great....

    Ok kids, time for the cop-out. I had these grand plans for my Loretta Lynn post...but I sort of lost steam yesterday due to a moment of girly emotional distress and had to make the executive decision to do something different. So instead of my own post about Loretta, I'll refer all of you lovely readers to her website ( . They have a wonderful bio on her. It's full of all sorts of fun facts (and interesting ones as well)...for example:
    • She was married at 14! (crazy!)
    • Her husbands nick name was "doolittle"...or "doo"
    • She was heavily influenced by Patsy Cline (whom everyone should adore)
    • By the early 80's, Loretta had 52 top 10 singles and 16 #1 hits!
    • Also, please take note of how fabulous she still looks! I mean, she's pushing 80, folks!
    Here are a few stats that are also on the website:
    • Studio Albums –54
    • Compilation Albums –15
    • Singles –88
    • B-sides –4
    • Music Videos –7
    • Soundtracks –1
    • Tribute and Cover Albums –1
    • No. 1 Singles (USA) –16
    • No. 1 Singles (overall) –23
    I’m amazed at some of these stats. One that stood out is the Music Video category. Artists today thrive off of music videos. It’s a way to improve the fan base for a song. A perfect example of this is Lady Gaga. Her videos are very intricate and have a certain kind of production value that amplifies a song beyond what it could be sans a video. I don’t know that country music has to do that. It’s kind of a cool revelation. (I haven't ventured into the world of country music videos yet I could be wrong.) Maybe i'll explore that next week?

    Well, that's what i've got today...I'm working on a fun post though...about being single at 25 and the challenges that brings. It's going to be interesting.  So, keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, have a wonderful (and safe) July 4th weekend! Blow something up...and remember those who have served or currently serve in our military...even if you don't fully believe in the reason they're grateful that someone is fighting. I know I am. 
