Wednesday, October 12

A month is too long....

Hello all! I know i've slacked a bit on this whole blog thing...I can't even say that it's because i've been busy...I think it's more that I've been lazy...
In typical Meaghan fashion, I'll be updating you on the past month through a variety of photos. That's the best way to update you, without boring you to tears. [I will warn you in advance...this won't be chronological]

First up!....The Great State Fair of Oklahoma!

MomLady, my wonderful friend Marcus, and I (disregard how creepy my MomLady looks)

Typically, I like to try to go during the first few days of the smells a lot better, but fate had other plans. We ended up going on the second to last day. It was still a blast! The weather was beautiful, the food was delicious, and the people were interesting (as always).

 Look at these delicious treats!!! [left to right: Corndog w/mustard, Red Velvet Funnel Cake, Fried Peaches]. Let me just tell you about the funnel cake. IT WAS AMAZING. I'd be willing to say that it was better than a regular funnel cake. It had powdered sugar AND creamcheese frosting...YUM! The fried peaches were also delicious. And who doesn't love a corndog at the fair?
How cute is this goat?!?! [random]
I also watched my first pig race. [also random]

Look how cute we are...I love my MomLady. Oh, see those tiny people behind us? I didn't tell you about them did I? Well, we chose to go to the fair on this particular day based almost entirely upon their presence...that's right, people...those tiny people are THE VILLAGE PEOPLE!

Look at them in all of their glory! They're so fantastically cheesy! They're old...and they've added a soldier (for political reasons?). I wasn't really a fan of this addition. One cool thing though...he did give a shout out to all of the people who serve or have served in our military. That was cool. Also, the indian ("native american") chief mooned the audience....It. Was. Frightening.

Moving on...

As many of you know, September is breast cancer awareness month, and to show my support (you know, instead of posting some "mysterious and vague" status on Facebook), I decided to do something that both supports a cause and makes my tummy
I ate this delicious donut! How cute is this thing? I believe whole-heartedly that those little pink ribbon sprinkles made this donut taste a million times better!

Another random event....

I am a self-professed movieaholic. I love movies...almost everything about them actually. I love the whole theater experience. Well, on one of my lovely movie outings, as I was waiting for my friend to arrive at the theater, I noticed something odd....A woman pulled into a parking spot across the isle from me. She was in the spot, but kept inching forward. She ended up with the front end of her SUV about 1/3 of the way into the spot in front of her. Stupid woman, right? It's gets better. She then proceeded to turn her tires and inch forward a little more...she was now parked in 4 spots. 4 SPOTS! Now she's stupid AND greedy. Being the slightly snarky and sarcastic person that I am, I decided that this was unacceptable. So, I wrote that jem of a lady a little note and placed it gently under her windshield wiper....
At least I was nice about it, right? Right? Meh, even if she thinks I'm hateful it needed to be done. Its not as though she was unaware of how she parked...I watched her turn around and look at her car as she locked, I have no regrets.


What else happend, what else happend?....Oh! My birthday is soon and my WONDERFUL MomLady was nice enough to get me these super rad tickets....
TO BEN FOLDS!!! I'm so excited to see him again. My love for him has been rekindled since the start of the new season of The Sing-Off [if you don't watch it, you should. The end.] We're gonna get all dolled up and I'm so excited! Expect pictures of that!

MomLady and I took the nephew to a high school football game. He obviously isn't interested in taking a picture with is favorite aunt, but he LOVED the marching band. He does this cute little dance anytime he hears music, and the band was no different. We had a good ol' time. And yes, I really do think I'm his favorite aunt...He loves me.

I was also honored to attend the premier of a project that two dear friends of mine have started recently. The project is called the Cup Runneth Over Project. After visiting Africa several times, and witnessing the dedication of a water well in one african village, my friends felt urged to do something to help the people of Africa. They started this wonderful project which gives all of it's proceeds towards well pumps (100%!). They are selling coaster sets (which might seem odd, but is a simple reminder that while our cups are full, so many others are empty) and I encourage you to check them out! You can find more information on their facebook page. CLICK HERE!

Also, I made this rad skirt. I went thrifting with the MomLady and found this semi-ugly ankle length skirt circa 1991 (you know, the kind you'd wear with scrunched socks and high-top boots)...and thought to myself...I can make that cute. It already had the green polka-dot thing going for it. So, I added a little fabric to the bottom and sewed it into this lovely little bubble skirt. It still needs a little work, but I think it turned out quite well. See MomLady, this is why you should trust my creative instincts! (she had no faith)

Well, that's pretty much all I have today. I hope to be a little more frequent with my posting this is Halloween month, afterall! Until next time, I leave you with this doodle....


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