Wednesday, March 14

...3 months in a post...

So much for those awesome bi-weekly posts that were supposed to be happening according to my last post. heh. Sorry, guys. Apparently neglect of this blog has become somewhat of a normal thing for me. I REALLY want to change that. Oddly enough, it's been exactly 3 months since my last post. 3 MONTHS! That's too long. So, I guess the first thing I'll do is update the blog world on the happenings of the last 4 months. I appologize in advance for the number of photos that this post might contain.

Since December 14th....
I wont' lie...December was a rough month.  December 9th was the beginning of a month of total torture (self-inflicted and very necessary). Due to poor judgement, I cut communication with someone I care about dearly to give them time to figure things out and to heal. I think it was hard on both of us, but looking back, it was totally worth every miserable day.

Don't get me wrong, not every day was awful. I had a lot of things to keep my mind happy. For example...Christmas!
I absolutely LOVE christmas time. (Almost as much as Halloween. haha). This is the lovely tree that I decorated...look at all of those awesomely wrapped gifts!! (one of my favorite things to do is wrap gifts!)...and, lets not forget this lovely tree topper...
Isn't he cute? We've tried to replace him with angels and stars, and I think even a bow once, but he always seems to find a way back to the top (even if it did require me to dig around my boxes in the attic). I just love him. He's been around for just about as long as I have and he's my favorite Christmas decoration EVER. The End.
 Also, how cute is this little Christmas elf? ha!

Oh, I thought it proper to share my Christmas Swag as well....Here you go!
I feel a little spoiled. So many great things! Note that cupcake cookbook in the corner (some REALLY delicious ideas in that!) Boots, Star Wars apron and spatula, Perfume, a Cylon christmas ornament, some vinyl, a Keurig, Pirates of the Caribbean Yatzee, and OSU hoodie, lots of other little things, and A KINDLE FIRE!!!!
This is Marvin the Paranoid Android (thanks to The Boy for the awesome name idea). Yes, he's named after the Android in Hitchiker's Guide. LOVE! He's pretty awesome. I have yet to read a book on him though. That back light kills my eyes. He's wonderful for tons of other things though. Taking notes, palying games, reading the news (small doses).

 Happy New Year! (that's my brother!. It was cool to get to hang out with him for a few days! Also, pardon that girl's photo bomb...RUDE! haha.)
Just after Christmas, I got the priveledge of being a sponsor for my church's youth group at the winter conference, Altitude! It was SO MUCH FUN. Not only was it an amazing time with some awesome youth that I love dearly, but I also got to do something I've always wanted to do! Rockclimbing!!!
Look, that's me!!!
I won't lie, I was ABSOLUTELY terrified at first. I'm not a huge fan of heights, but I figured that I might not get very many more chances to do this, so I decided to take full advantage of the time I was given! I had a blast. My bro and I even partnered up for a bit! Talk about trust...Nothing can describe having to put your life in the hands of a sibling. It was so fun though! And he didn't drop me! Yay!
As fun as that was...I was SO sore the next day (actually for like a week). It hurt to move. But it was totally worth it...
We also had an awesome Bonfire! When I say "awesome", I really mean OUT OF CONTROL!
This thing was massive! It also may or may not have started a small grass fire in a nearby field (no worries...we got it under control). It was incredibly hot. Too hot to get close enough to roast marshmallows at first. So we waited until it died down a bit. Then we had to cover our faces (to keep them from melting off) and a few brave souls managed to get close enough to catch a mallow on fire and make a DELICIOUS smore!
I was a brave soul. It was delicious. You should be jealous. Plus, I got to smell like campfire for the next day or so...Even after numerous showers and hairwashes. All in all, it was a wonderful couple of days. It was awesome to bring in the new year with such awesome people.

It's the new year now and I have to go back to work. I actually didn't mind though. I still needed to keep my mind busy for a few more weeks. Those weeks past and not much happend..with the exception of my first ever SCUBA lesson!!! Samantha, my awesome friend, had a groupon for a beginner's lesson and I must was SO much fun. I'd do it more offen if it weren't so expensive!I wish I would have taken
Well, it's time now! The end of the miserable month, or as we now refer to it as the "I Hate This" (hiatus)...get it? clever, right? haha. After some talking and healing and time to think I was finally able to talk to the boy. Without going into detail (its none of your business anyway, haha) I am thankful for that month. The boy and I have been going strong for two months now (to the day!).
Due to the fact that we weren't speaking during Christmas, we decided to have a January-Christmas instead! It's kind of cool to have two Christmases! haha.
 Arent' these gifts fabulous? I also got a really awesome t-shirt with a sweet little family consisting of Yoda, and Ewok, and a baby Gremlin. Best. Family. Ever. haha.

I won't bore you with the next bit. I'll just post a pic of our adventure to see Beauty & the Beast in 3D....

And now...for something entirely different! The Boy bought us tickets to Monday Night RAW. I know what you're thinking..."Wrestling, really?! Who are you!?" Judge me if you want, but it's actually really fun! I keep refering to it as a soap opera for dudes and that's exactly what it is! I managed to capture a few cool shots....

(1. The WrestleMania sign, 2. The Great White Sheamus "Fellllllaaaa", and that last picture is The Boy's favorite, CM Punk.) And the next picture is a pretty accurate depiction of how excited The Boy was to be watching wresting...
Major cheese, guys. MAJOR cheese. We were even on TV a few times! I'm pretty sure I was taking pictures every time they showed me. ha. Oh, and I'm now the proud owner of my very own CM Punk t-shirt...exciting, right?!?! haha.

I guess the next event in this timeline was Valentine's Day. Typically, I'm pretty indifferent to this particular holiday, but this year it was fun. I actually had a Valentine.
My love of baking sort of took over. I made some REALLY delicious Frosted Sugar Cookies and some REALLY cute (but less delicious because they were from a box mix) mini cuppies. Also, I got two sets of flowers for Valentine's Day! My dad sent me the beauties on the left...And The Boy, who seems to know me quite well, sent me TULIPS!!! I ADORE TULIPS and these were absolutely GORGEOUS. 
How blessed am I?! Seriously!
Oh, and the boy made me this sweet little (it's actually not little at all) gift....
(Sorry for the poor picture quality) A little helpful hint for all the guys out there...Cooking a meal or making a gift are two ways to make your lady feel special. It doesn't even have to be a special occasion!

That pretty much catches everyone up on the events of the past few months. I'm sure I left a few things out, but that was most of the major stuff.
As of Monday, I have officially started an attempt at being healthier. I found this nifty idea on Pinterest and i'm trying it out. It's pretty self-explainatory: you have two jars, a pounds to go jar and a lost jar. You move a marble to the lost jar every time you lose a pound. It's pretty cool to be able to visualize your weight loss. (and it's amazing how many of those marbles fit in a votive candle holder). Along with this, I'm watching what I eat (really, just my calorie intake thanks to the lovely and trying to do some sort of exercise for at least 20 minutes everyday. So far, I've had more energy and have just felt better and I've been able to move 4 of those littel marbles into the "lost" jar. My goal is to lose 30 (or more, maybe) pounds by October 1. I'm not sure what made me choose October 1st, but its as good a date as any! Plus, it's a healthy weight loss per week. Here's to getting healthier! Let's lose those marbles!

Also, here's to actually updating this blog on a regular basis!!! I might need reminders.

My next post will include the following events: Spring Break and St. Patrick's Day...get excited!

Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. Meaghan now tolerates the WWE....hahaha YAY! She has now truely joined the dark
