Thursday, May 3

March & April in a Nutshell...A Photo Nutshell...

Hello all! I know it's been over a month since I've posted anything (I guess it beats the 3 months between the previous posts)...I'm trying to get better.

Here's a brief (and pictoral) run-down of the past month...

I, being the awesome girlfriend that I am, sported my CM Punk (the boy's favorite wrestler) gear. Actually, we matched. There is a picture of us both, but I look terrible and chose to post this, slightly better looking photo instead. :)

Spring Banquet:
We got fancy! The boy accompanied me to Spring Banquet this year. I must say, we made quite a smashing pair. It's fun to get fancy once in a while. I did discover that I enjoy being fancy, but hate the process of getting that way. whew!

My dad was in town for Easter. That's always a good time. The Nephew was as cute as could be while he was hunting for eggs. AND my Easter dress (yes, i'm 26 and still get an Easter dress every year) had feathers on it! And check out my Easter basket from MomLady...<3

 Nephew's First Baseball Game:
I'm not actually sure if this happened before or after Easter (i'm pretty sure it was after) but I was super excited to be there for the nephew's first baseball game! His lovely mother was a little bit paranoid that he was going to get knocked in the head with a ball, but it was still a good time! The little guy even got a foul ball!!!! I also ate a delicious pretzel. :)

The boy and I volunteered at the Humane Society and every so often we would fall in love with some of the dogs. They're so sweet! They just want good homes and people to love them. If you are ever looking to adopt a dog, check out your local humane society first! If I was able, I would just take them all! haha. There was one special little pup that we both fell in love with (not pictured). His name was Beau. He was a basset-hound pit-bull mix and he was PRECIOUS. Sad for us, but lucky for him, he was adopted after being at the humane society for almost 2 months. Yay, Beau! :)

The boy and I went to our first concert! We saw Cake and it was AWESOME! I love that we have the same mentality when it comes to concerts. We don't have to be all up on the stage, but are perfectly content to hang back and enjoy the sounds (and not be crushed by the hoards of dumb people). Cake also gave away a tree to one lucky atendee (I was not that lucky person)...You can see the tree in this picture...and not much else. haha.

Gardening (sort of):
MomLady decided that she'd had about enough of our yard looking like we never did anything with it (I mean, we didn' what else could it look like?)...and decided that we needed to give it a little face-lift. To me, that meant lots of sweating and moving dirt from one place to another. Also, it meant I got to make fun little people with the red clay I found burried under the dirt. Always good times! I also broke in my BOBS. ha.

 MORE Baseball:
The Boy, Momlady, and I all got to go to a Redhawks game (yay work!). It was slightly warmer than I would have like, but almost perfect for baseball. We're cute, huh? :)

Random purchases:
So, being the giant nerd that I am, I had to jump on one of Amazon's awesome deals of the day! The COMPLETE Battlestar Galactica series for a VERY great, IT CAME WITH A CYLON FIGURINE!!! SO much awesome! Then I found a guy on Etsy who makes really awesome minimilst movie posters. I couldn't choose a handful that I liked best, so I ened up buying 13 of them. They're a little bigger than post-card sized, and they're going to make a great wall collage someday in the future! :)

 NBA Playoffs:
Let's go Thunder! I've never really been a fan of basketball, but now that OKC has a pro team, I can't help myself. It sort of sucked me in. Plus, I think we have some really great players and they make it fun to watch! In honor of the playoffs, I dusted off a comparison photo I made last year...and created a new one. Jason and Dirk...Quite the pair, eh?

Work Outs:
This is the last topic. I have decided to get healthy. I've decided it many times before, but this time, I'm going to do it! I started Couch to 5K and will be starting another program in June (see below for the full scoop on both of these adventures). Here's some proof that I completed week 1 day 1 of C25K.

Okay...enough of those pictures....
As if this time of year wasn't stressful enough (working at a univeristy during graduation time is INSANE!), i've decided to take on a little bit of an exercise challenge as well. I started the Couch to 5K plan on May 1st...I finished day two this morning (at 5:30 IN THE MORNING!). It's not really that fun, but I figure it's only 30 minutes of my day--three times a week. I can spare that much of my time, right? Plus, i'm going to try to do at least 30 minutes of some other sort of exercise on the between days and have at least one day of rest.
Things in my workout world will get really interesting starting the first week of June. Starting June 2nd, and going for the next 6 weeks, I will be embarking on a Fat Loss Bootcamp! It's a 40 minute workout, three times a week (Also, at 5:30 IN THE MORNING!).
There are a few good things about this Bootcamp though:
  • I'll be in week 5 of the Couch to 5K program (which will be helpful in terms of my endurance).
  • I'll be doing it with my momlady so we'll be able to hold each other accountable (and drag each other out of bed at 5:15 every day)
  • The place the class is located is REALLY close to my house.
  • We know the guy who does the bootcamp and he knows his stuff!
So, I'm hoping that i'll be able to stick with it and finish both of these programs! I'm ready to be healthy. Also, the boy has agreed to do a 5K with me in July (I'm still not 100% convinced he's doing it for reasons other than because I asked him to. haha.)...It's okay though. We'll get healthy together!

I don't really have all that much to report, so I guess i'll end it here.


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