Thursday, July 7

Something Old...

I wrote this a while ago (2008) and stumbled across it today. It sort of spoke to me...which is cool. So, Enjoy.

Life rarely happens how you think it will.  But I’ve learned that it's not necessarily a bad thing.  It's still life and it's the only one you get.  You have to make the best of it or it's just a waste.

People aren't always who you think they are, but they also aren't always who other people say they are.  Find out for yourself who a person really is.  Don't assume the worst (or best) based on the comments of others.

No one has a life that is perfect.  A lot of people look happy and seem to have everything put together, but they don't.  Never hesitate to toss someone a smile, even if you think they have no need for one.  THEY DO.

Even horrible days have something good to offer.  A cool breeze.  Sunshine.  Not tripping in front a bunch of people.  Whatever it's something and sometimes you have to look for the good to make living through the bad day worth it.  Why wait for tomorrow when you can find good in today?

Sometimes the things you are afraid of are exactly what you need to experience.  New people. New relationships. New places. A new look.  Whatever it is, embrace it.  Don't fear it.  If it doesn't work out, at least you tried, right?

People change.  Don't fool yourself into believing that they aren't going to.  Also, don't expect things to always be the same between you and certain people.  Dynamics change often, BUT That doesn't have to be bad.  It's just different.  Maybe it'll be better.  Never let something like a friendship slip away just because it changes drastically.  It's not fair to either side, and it'll only leave you a little empty inside.


1 comment:

  1. i love this. it's always a treat to stumble upon something written in the past and realize it still holds value, it still holds truth, and you are still learning from it.

    thanks for sharing!
